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Trustees in bankruptcy

Andmed pankrotimenetluste kohta, milles pankrotihaldurina tegutsemise õigust omav isik on kinnitatud halduriks, on kättesaadavad väljaande "Ametlikud Teadaanded" pankrotimenetluste teadaannete otsingust.

Ülli Adamson

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Ene Ahas

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 31.08.2023-31.08.2024
Tetris Law Firm, Mustamäe tee 16, Tallinn 10617
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Kristjan Aava

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: Seesam, 19.07.2023-18.07.2024
Paas & Partnerid Law Firm LLC, Tondi 51, Tallinn 11316, Estonia
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Risto Agur

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Andres Alaver

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Peeter Allikvere

Trustee in bankruptcy is excluded from the profession
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Jaak Annus

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Karin Antsov

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 01.01.2024-31.12.2024
Kuklase ja Parnerid Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Roosikrantsi 2 (3rd floor), Tallinn 10119; Võru County: Võru 65609, Jüri 26 (2nd floor)
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Maire Arm

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 01.01.2024-31.12.2024
Maria Mägi Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Tallinn 10116, Tatari 25
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Urmas Arumäe

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Alari Avamägi

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Andres Aro

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Merli Eichler

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Magnus Braun

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 19.01.2024 - 18.01.2025
Advokaadibüroo WIDEN, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Rävala pst 4, 10143
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Terje Eipre

Kutsekindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: SEESAM: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Advokaadibüroo Eipre&Partnerid OÜ, Pärnu mnt 328 – 43, 11611 Tallinn, Harjumaa
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Uno Feldschmidt

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Oliver Ennok

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA 01.11.2023-31.10.2024; 01.11.2024-31.10.2025
Pankrotihalduribüroo Ennok LLC, Estonia pst 1, Tallinn
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Mihkel Gaver

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 01.05.2023-30.04.2025
GAVER Law Firm LLC, Tartu, Turu 2, 51004
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Maret Hallikma

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Severinas Jakubauskas

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended
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Andres Hermet

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
OÜ Lundet, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Roseni 7, 10111
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Silvia Kalam

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Tiia Kalaus

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
CiviLex OÜ, Soola 3, Tartu 51004
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Rein Kallaste

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Karol Kampus

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Margus Kerm

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Lembar Kivistik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Aive Kolsar

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Katrin Kokk

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Maie Klemmer

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA 30.11.2023-29.11.2024
Gaius Law Office LLC, Rapla, Tallinna mnt 12, 79513
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Veli Kraavi

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Vahur Krinal

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Martin Krupp

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA 02.11.2023-01.11.2024
Saneerimismenetluse LLC, Estonia pst 1, Tallinn 10143
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Urmas Kukk

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Olev Kuklase

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 01.01.2024-31.12.2024
Kuklase ja Parnerid Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Rävala pst 3 (3rd floor), Tallinn 10143; Võru County: Võru 65609, Jüri 26 (2nd floor)
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Tanel Kurvits

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Vladimir Kutšmei

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 03.03.2024 - 02.03.2025
Ülikooli tn 2 (5th floor), Tartu 51003
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Oksana Kutšmei

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 26.09.2024-25.09.2025
Tartu, Ülikooli 2 (5th floor), 51003
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Hele Kuut

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Nikolai Kõiv

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Kersti Kägi

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 26.01.2024-25.01.2025
Rödl & Partner Advokaadibüroo OÜ, Maakri 23A, Tallinn 10145
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Saima Laumets

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Aivar Leismann

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Ott Lepmets

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 30.05.2023 - 29.05.2025
Lepmets & Nõges Law Firm LLC; Meistri 12, 13517 Tallinn
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Indrek Lepsoo

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
INC Partner OÜ, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Roseni 7, 10111
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Indrek Leppik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Aet Liivand

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Tarvo Lindma

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Lagle Lindre

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Vello Luik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Peep Lillemäe

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA 01.11.2023- 31.10.2024; 01.11.2024- 31.10.2025
Lillemäe Õigusbüroo OÜ, Vesivärava 36-13, 10152 Tallinn
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Madis Mahlapuu

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended
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Gennadi Mihelson

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Rajar Miller

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Toomas Moor

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Tiina Mitt

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: SALVA, 02.11.2020 - 01.11.2021,02.11.2021 - 01.11.2022,
Armit Law Office LLC, Tallinn, Paldiski mnt 22, 10149
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Küllike Mitt

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 01.10.2024-30.09.2025
Faktootum Law Office LLC, Tartu, Õpetaja 9a, 51003
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Kalle Mõtsnik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Arno Mägi

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Kalev Mägi

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
OÜ Pankrotihalduribüroo Mägi ja Partnerid Tallinn, Purje 8/3, 11911
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Tanel Mällas

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Mari Männiko

Attorney at law
Law firm Supremia, Telliskivi 1, 10412 Tallinn
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Ly Müürsoo

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
OÜ Sentire MK Tallinn, Väike-Ameerika 8-203, 10129
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Indrek Naur

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 12.10.2023-11.10.2024
Naur & Pärn Law Firm LLC, Tallinn, Juhkentali 52, 11312
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Küllike Namm

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is terminated
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Margo Normann

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 13.04.2024 - 12.04.2025
Normann ja Partnerid Law Firm LLC, Lossi 37, Viljandi 71004
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Liina Nõmmik

Pankrotihaldur on kutsekogust välja arvatud
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Heikki Ojamaa

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Erkki Osolainen

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Heikki Ots

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Tarmo-Tanel Padrik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Vaido Paju

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Piret Pallo

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Priit Palmiste

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended
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Heli Peetsmann (Ernits)

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Eha Pehk

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Hugo Peterson

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Andrias Palmits

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: Seesam, 19.07.2023-18.07.2024
Palmits &Partnerid Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Tallinn, Tondi 51, 11316
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Tarmo Peterson

Partner, Attorney-at-law
Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 12.10.2024 - 11.10.2025
Advokaadibüroo RASK, Rotermanni 8, 10111 Tallinn
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Monica Pihlak

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Raivo Piirla

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 23.10.2023-22.10.2024
Õigusbüroo Edikte OÜ, L. Koidula 4/2-3 Tallinn, Harjumaa
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Helmut Pikmets

Pankrotihaldurina tegutsemise õigus lõpetatud
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Svetlana Pilden

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 14.04.2024-13.04.2025
Business Law Firm LLC, J. Poska 12-4, 10126 Tallinn
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Tarmo Pilv

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 27.03.2024 - 26.03.2025
Tarmo Pilv and Partnerid Law Firm LLC, Paju 2, Tartu 50603
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Aivar Pilv

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Igor Prigoda

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended
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Ingrid Proos

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Katrin Prükk

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 26.09.2024-25.09.2025
AB Advocatus, Tartu County, Tartu, Pepleri 32, 51010
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Veikko Puolakainen

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Lya Pähnapuu

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Kiur Põld

Pankrotihaldur on kutsekogust välja arvatud
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Martin Pärn

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 11.10.2024-10.10.2025
Naur & Pärn Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Tallinn, Juhkentali 52, 11312
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Tiia Raudmägi

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended
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Kristi Relvik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Randu Riiberg

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Kauri Rattus

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 19.03.2024 - 18.03.2025
Õigusbüroo Rattus OÜ Tallinn, Vene 23-1, 10123
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Tarmo Repp

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: Bta Baltic Insurance Company 03.05.2024 - 02.05.2025
Advokaadibüroo Glimstedt estonia OÜ, Rävala pst 4, 10145 Tallinn
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Reet Relvik

Pankrotihaldurina tegutsemise õigus lõpetatud
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Maarja Roht

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 10.05.2024 - 09.05.2025
Advokaadibüroo RASK, Rotermanni 8, 10111 Tallinn
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Toomas Saarma

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
OÜ Haldur, Kotzebue 9, 10412 Tallinn
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Erik Savi

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 06.03.2024 - 05.03.2025
Kaarnas OÜ, Jaanimäe, Noodasküla, 65229 Võru vald, Võru maakond
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Eve Selberg

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 08.11.2023-07.11.2024
CLARUS Law Firm LLC, Tartu maantee 50, 10115 Tallinn
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Peeter Sepper

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 27.10.2023 - 26.10.2024; 27.10.2024 - 26.04.2025
Eha tee 22, Kelvingi küla, Viimsi vald
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Mart Sikut

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended
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Jüri Sirel

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 28.09.2024- 27.09.2025
Sirel & Partnerid Law Firm LLC, Tartu mnt 43, 10128 Tallinn
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Robert Sprengk

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 03.11.2023 - 02.11.2024; 03.11.2024 - 02.11.2025
Advokaadibüroo LMP, Soola 8, Tartu
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Igor Sumarok

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 24.01.2024 - 23.01.2025
OÜ Alinea Õigusbüroo, Linnuse 2, 20308 Narva
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Sirje Tael

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024
Prolex OÜ, Tartu, Jaama tn 76 D-korpus, 50605
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Üllar Talviste

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 19.01.2024 - 18.01.2025
Advokaadibüroo WIDEN, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Rävala 4, 10143
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Anne Tammer

Kutsekindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA 01.01.2024-31.12.2024
Advokaadibüroo Tammer & Tammer, Tartumaa, Tartu, Kalevi 9, 51010
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Kristo Teder

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 01.01.2024-31.12.2024
Maria Mägi Law Firm LLC, Tatari 25, Tallinn 10116
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Veikko Toomere

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Andres Tootsman

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA 12.12.2023-11.12.2024
Harjumaa, Tallinn, Roseni 7, 10111
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Martin Traat

Attorney at law
Period of insurance:,SEESAM: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Eipre & Partners Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Tallinn, Juhkentali 8, 10132
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Urmas Tross

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 09.07.2023-08.07.2024
Konkurss LLC, Roosikrantsi 23-5 Tallinn; Tähe 104 B 50107 Tartu
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Jüri Truuts

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2025
Harju County, Tallinn, Jõe 2, II korrus, 10151
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Mark Uska

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 14.08.2023 - 13.08.2025
Advokaadibüroo USKA OÜ, Lelle 24, 11318 Tallinn
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Liina-Maarja Uuemõis

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Urmas Ustav

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA, 19.01.2024 - 18.01.2025
WIDEN Law Firm LLC, Harju County, Tallinn, Rävala pst 4, 10143
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Rein Vaiksaar

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Einar Vallandi

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 01.10.2022-30.09.2024
Faktootum Law Office LLC, Tartu, Õpetaja 9a, 51003
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Aivar Verro

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Elin Vilippus

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated
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Hillar Villers

Attorney at law
Period of insurance: BTA 29.01.2024 - 28.01.2025
JeweLex Law Office LLC, Keskväljak 4, Jõhvi, Ida-Viru County 41531
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Tarmo Villman

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024; 01.11.2024 - 31.10.2025
Menetlusabi Teenused OÜ, Ida-Viru County, Uus tn 8, 41533 Jõhvi
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Urmas Võimre

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA, 16.02.2024-15.02.2025
Audit & Consult LLC, Telliskivi 60/1 Tallinn 10412 Estonia
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Andrus Õnnik

Trustee in Bankruptcy
Period of insurance: BTA 01.11.2023-31.10.2024
Pärnu Pinker Albert LLC, Pärnu, Lai 10, 80010
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Lembit Ülper

Kindlustuspoliisi kehtivus: BTA, 30.10.2023-29.10.2024
OÜ Fontala, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Ristiku 10, 10612
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