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The structure of the Chamber

Enforcement agents’ Occupational Union and Trustees` Occupational Union are the highest bodies of the Chamber. All Enforcement agents belong to Enforcement agents’ Occupational Union. All trustees belong to Trustees` Occupational Union

Enforcement agents` and Trustees`Occupational Union:

1)      accept the Chamber’s statutes

2)      accept the Chamber’s development plan

3)      confirm the minimum limit of the membership fee

4)      confirm budget year activity report of managing committee

5)      confirm the Chamber’s marketing year’s management report

6)      appoint an auditor

Enforcement agents’ Occupational Union and Trustees` Occupational Union board

Enforcement Agents’ Occupational Union and Trustees` Occupational Union boards are the Chamber’s permanent management bodies, who lead the Chamber’s activities and execute the Enforcement agents’ Occupational Union, Trustees` Occupational Union and Managing Bodydecisions. Both boards are responsible for executing Chamber’s assignments in their own fields. Three Enforcement agents belong to Enforcement agents` Occupational Unionboard. Three trustees belong to Trustees` Occupational Union board. The deadline for the authorizations for both members of the board is five years.


The Structure of the Chamber of Enforcement Agents and Trustees on Bankruptcy.