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Trustees in Bankruptcy

Enforcement Agents’ Occupational Union and Trustees` Occupational Union boards are the Chamber’s permanent management bodies, who lead the Chamber’s activities and execute the Enforcement Agents’ Occupational Union, Trustees` Occupational Union and Managing Body decisions. Both boards are responsible for executing Chamber’s assignments in their own fields. Three enforcement agents belong to Enforcement Agent’ Occupational Union board. Three trustees belong to Trustees` Occupational Union board. The deadline for the authorizations for both members of the board is five years.


Trustees` Occupational Union­:

1) elects, and when needed, calls back the Trustees` Occupational Union board before the deadline

2) elects two trustees to participate in the audit committee’s work;

3) elects three trustees to participate in the court of honour’s work;

4) elects one trustee to participate in the examination board’s work;

5) establishes the size of the trustees’ membership fee

6) establishes good traditions of the trustees’ occupation;

7) gives instructions to equalize trustees’ practice of occupation;

8) decides other questions asked in the law and in the Chamber’s statutes.

Members of Trustees` Occupational Union board

Terje Eipre

Chairman of the Board of Assembly of Trustees in Bankruptcy · Member of the Chamberś Managing committee
Harju County, Tallinn, Juhkentali 8, 10132

Magnus Braun

Member of the Board of Assembly of Trustees in Bankruptcy · Member of the Chamberś Managing committee
Harju County, Tallinn, Rävala pst 4, 10143

Jüri Truuts

Member of the Board of Assembly of Trustees in Bankruptcy · Member of the Chamberś Managing committee
Harju County, Tallinn, Jõe 2, 10151