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Peep Lillemäe


Andmed hariduse kohta:

  • 1984: Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, õigusteaduskond

Kutsekogu liikmeks saanud 1.01.2010

Gennadi Mihelson

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 24.10.2012.

Rajar Miller

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 31. 01.2020.

Madis Mahlapuu

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 31. 01.2020.

Toomas Moor

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.09.2015.

Küllike Mitt



  • 1994: University of Tartu, Faculty of Law

Member of Assembly of Trustees in Bankruptcy since 1.01.2010

Tiina Mitt



  • 1969: Tallinna Kergetööstuse Tehnikum, economist
  • 1982: Tartu State University, lawyer
  • 1989: Tartu State University, psychologist


Member of Assembly of Trustees in Bankruptcy since 1.01.2010

Kalle Mõtsnik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.12.2023.

Arno Mägi

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.03.2013.

Kalev Mägi


Andmed hariduse kohta:

  • 1983: Tartu Ülikool, majandusteaduskond

Kutsekogu liikmeks saanud 1.01.2010