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Kersti Kägi


  • Education:
    1995, University Nord, science of law

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy since 20.04.2023

Saima Laumets

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated May 1st, 2023.

Indrek Leppik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.03.2015.

Aet Liivand

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 31.12.2019.

Aivar Leismann

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.03.2015.

Tarvo Lindma

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 8.10.2019.

Ott Lepmets



  • University of Tartu, MA in law

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy since 15.04.2020.

Lagle Lindre

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 6.11.2017.

Indrek Lepsoo


Andmed hariduse kohta:

  • 2001: Eesti Kõrgem Kommertskool, ärijuhtimine

Kutsekogu liikmeks saanud 1.01.2010

Vello Luik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.07.2011.