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Severinas Jakubauskas

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy is suspended from September 6th, 2023 until a valid insurance policy is submitted.

Silvia Kalam

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.11.2014.

Rein Kallaste

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 18.09.2018.

Karol Kampus

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 14.10.2014.

Margus Kerm

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.06.2013.

Tiia Kalaus


Andmed hariduse kohta:

  • 1987: Tartu Ülikool, ajalooteaduskond
  • 2009: Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond (magister) 

Kutsekogu liikmeks saanud 1.01.2010

Lembar Kivistik

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.10.2013.

Katrin Kokk

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 23.03.2013.

Maie Klemmer



  • 1979: Tartu State University, Faculty of Law

Member of Assembly of Trustees in Bankruptcy since 1.01.2010

Vahur Krinal

The right to act as a trustee in bankruptcy has been terminated since 01.09.2015.